- Any toiletries you may need
- Snacks, coffee, and tea
- Garbage bags
- Change of clothes
- Dish soap and dishcloths
- Pet food and dish
- Scissors
- Towels
- Mugs, plates, and cutlery
- Important papers, such as receipts, banking information, or tax slips
For those looking to do the packing themselves, here are a few helpful tips:
- Dispose of, sell or donate unwanted articles prior to moving to streamline packing.
- Loosely wrap glass, stoneware, and all fragile items using two layers of plain paper or (eco-friendly) cloth (Clean socks work well!).
- Wrapping items in newsprint may leave stains on certain items, so it’s best to use newsprint for things that can be wiped off easily, like cutlery or certain ceramics.
- Pack all loose items in boxes, not bags.
- Tape boxes across tops and edges and label them clearly according to room placement at your new location. This will make unpacking that much easier!
- Label and place screws and small parts from disassembled furniture and equipment in small clear plastic bags. There’s nothing more annoying than trying to assemble furniture only to realize you’re missing half the screws, so make sure you think ahead.
- Transport jewelry, money, and valuables in your own vehicle. For your more precious (and fragile) possessions, Kenosha Movers LLC recommends keeping them with you at all times during the move.
- Organize and label electronics and cables before your move for easy setup at your new location. Cables have a tendency to become extremely tangled, so taking steps to minimize this will save you some grief when it comes time to unpack.
- Pack food securely in sealed bags for extra protection. Moving can take a lot out of you, so we suggest packing some snacks in your Essentials box, to keep your blood sugar and mood up throughout.
- Pack and clearly mark a box for ESSENTIALS that you will need immediately when you reach your new location
- Notify all pertinent government agencies, banks, creditors, gas, water, telephone, cable, and internet providers of your move. Doing this prior to your next billing date will prevent important documents from being lost in the mail, as well as minimize the disruption in your services.
- Defrost and clean fridge(s) prior to moving day, and minimize the amount of perishable food you pack, as it can attract a whole zoo of creatures you likely want to avoid in your new Madison home.
- Empty fuel from lawnmowers, power tools, kerosene lamps, and barbecues.
- Plan the placement of furniture or equipment in your new location so our movers can accommodate you.
- Paint/ Thinner
- Aerosol cans
- Aerosol cans
- Cleaning fluid
- Propane tanks
- Corrosive liquids